AcaDec 22-23 Season Recap
In February 2023, the Saint Pius X Academic Decathlon Team (AcaDec) competed and won its 22nd State Championship, earning the right to represent New Mexico at the National Finals in Frisco, Texas. Taking third overall in Division III, AcaDec competed in ten events: History, Science, Art, Music, Literature, Mathematics, Economics, Essay, Speech, and Interview. The theme for this year was the American Revolution. The 2023 team, composed of five seniors, three juniors, and one sophomore, delivered a remarkable first for our school: three consecutive years of achieving a top-three national placement in AcaDec!
Team members won seventeen medals and earned three scholarships. It was also the first time that SPX had three quadruple medal winners in individual events; Adam Goodyear, Colette Correa-Bruzzese, and Chidike Anozie took home a combination of four gold, silver, and bronze medals. Mr. James Penn has been coaching SPX Academic Decathlon Teams for 31 years, starting the program in the fall of 1991 and winning its first State Championship in 1998. Since then, SPX has collected twenty-two State Championships and often placed among the top six in Division II or III at the National Finals, including five top three team trophies and banners. The purpose of the competition is to help form well-rounded leaders for the future: “It has been a joy to participate in this venture and witness the intellectual, social, and character growth of the students who participate in this program. It was a pleasure and a privilege to coach these fantastic students this school year!” James Penn