Community Service » Community Service

Community Service

Program Director:

Mr. Horton Required Hours
  Seniors 40
  Juniors 30
  Sophomores 25
  Freshmen 20


Underclassmen are given the freedom to choose the organization and/or group with which to perform their service, provided the organization does not promote practices or policies that are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

If in doubt as to the legitimacy of a service project, please seek the approval of the Director of Community Service early in the school year.

If service hours are required for a club, team, or Confirmation class there is a possibility they will count towards your yearly school requirement. Requests will be handled on a case by case basis.  See the Director of Community Service for approval.

*All service hours must be completed at a legitimate, non-profit or civic organization and can not be completed within the family or for a for-profit business.
The student can NOT receive payment in any form for their time/work!
Babysitting, helping with a business, doing housework and/or yard work for an individual, or any other family-based service is NOT ACCEPTED for credit toward the school requirement.
Helping any business to profit is not accepted.

Freshmen and Sophomores
who may have difficulty completing their service due to transportation issues might want to focus their service on school and/or church groups.

Juniors are encouraged to serve the St. Pius community, their Parish, and non-profit organizations in their communities.

Seniors – for specific requirements for seniors, refer to the separate “Senior Service Project” handout available on the SPX website or in the Student Activities Office. Seniors have very specific guidelines, so MAKE SURE you are informed!

Varsity Letter in Community Service
Students are encouraged to continue giving of their time and talents to the community even after completing the hours required by St. Pius. Students who choose to serve at least 120 hours per school year will be eligible to apply for a letter. 
Applications are available in the Student Services Office, Rm. 314, Assumption Hall.

List of suggested agencies:
St. Pius students serve in the following organizations, and many more!

Joy Junction
St. Felix Pantry
The Rio Grande Food Project
The Storehouse
Ronald McDonald House
St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
Habitat For Humanity
Cloud Dancers / Equine Therapy
Watermelon Mountain Ranch
Animal Humane
Blue Star Mothers
Archdiocese of Santa Fe Parishes and schools
Public and Private Schools
Casa Esperanza
Youth soccer, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball teams
SPX Athletic Training
Roadrunner Foodbank
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Good Shepherd Center
City Open Space
Special Olympics and/or Senior Olympics
New Mexico Right To Life
Amigos De Las Americas
Catholic Charities
City Open Space
Petroglyph National Park
Boy Scouts of America – Eagle Scout Projects
Barrett House
Albuquerque Bio Park