Sartan Recaps » Homecoming 2022

Homecoming 2022

Coronation, 10-27-22

Congratulations to our Homecoming High Court:
Queen Jailyn Arnett & King Gene Trujillo
1st Princess Isabella Maldonado & 1st Prince Christopher Coash
2nd Princess Faith Montoya & 2nd Prince Lucas Martinez

Parade, 10-24-22

Happy Haunted Homecoming Sartan Nation! This year’s homecoming is filled with old traditions and new, but in classic SPX fashion we held our Homecoming Parade this morning. Each class put in their best effort, decorating and showing off their class float to the entire student body. Our homecoming court, Fall sports teams, dance and cheer teams, and cast of the Fall play all represented their spooky Sartan spirit. Great job Sartans!

Bonfire, 10-26-22

Our annual Homecoming Bonfire tradition is steeped in Pius history. Bonfire started as a way to kick off homecoming festivities, with the first recorded SPX bonfire in 1964. Since then it has evolved to become a social gathering, focused on building community and school spirit.